We are delighted to share with you one of Klimt02‘s, most recent publications about a project that the Bórax08001 collective specially designed to happen during JOYA 2015. The publication consists on one hand, of an interview made by Carolin Denter, and on the other hand, it premieres the video ¿Qué tienes entre las manos? special edition (What do you have in your hands? special edition) on the internet.
We would n’t have been able to obtain this magnificent result without the collaboration, trust, and generosity of ten of JOYA’15 participating jewellers. They are: Carolyn Barker, Isabelle Busnel, Sébastien Carré, Florence Croisier, Katerina Glyka, Akis Goumas, Dora Haralambaki, Ruriko Ito, Erato Koulobi, and Gigi Mariani.
Also, we would like to thank Erika Jordán, our wonderful video editor, for helping us unify the diverse and varied material we received from these enthusiastic jewellers.